Do you take insurance?

No, we do not take insurance but can provide you with a superbill that you can submit to your insurance company for possible reimbursement based on your out of network benefits.

Can I get more detailed information about the programs to give to my insurance?

Yes, we have created “letters to insurance” to help patients advocate for getting reimbursed by their insurance company for care. These include details on treatment structure, length, cost, and evidenced based studies that show efficacy. Please feel free to ask for one before or during treatment.

Do you have evening or weekend appointments?

No, all appointments are during the 9-5 workday Monday through Friday except for the multi-family skills classes which are in the evenings and the Radically Open class which is Wednesday at 5:30 pm.

Can I join a class without doing the individual therapy?

No, the whole treatment structure must be followed. However if you are involved in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy through our partnership with Greenville DBT Collective you may have a different business entity providing your skills class and individual therapy.

Can I get a Good Faith Estimate of the cost of treatment?

You have a right to a Good Faith Estimate. Since treatment recommendations are not made until after the initial assessment you can be provided with a Good Faith Estimate before assessment that includes all program types but does not specify which will apply to you or you can be provided with a Good Faith Estimate after being assessed which specifies the program that is being recommended and it’s overall estimated cost.

What should I look for when trying to find evidence based providers?

We recommend checking that the therapist’s training is done with the treatment developers for a specific model so that you can be sure you are receiving the treatment as it was designed. For example DBT was created by Marsha Linehan and her training company called Behavioral Tech. Check out their training website to find a therapist trained through them.